Since when University was founded, in 1088 – Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna – it has been the most important promoter of the development of a territory and its citizens.
Indeed, University was the centre of dissemination of knowledge and promotion of research. In this sense, University has always represented a 'laboratory of critic construction of minds', aimed at disseminating, producing and putting new knowledge at the service of emancipatory development of societies, cultures and communities.
In present-day society, not surprisingly defined 'society of knowledge', the role of Universities has become much more challenging, as according to the E.U. latest advices (Commissione delle Comunità Europee, Il ruolo delle Università nell'Europa della conoscenza, Bruxelles, 5/2/2003).
In addition to its traditional missions – education and research – University, nowadays, has got a third mission, referred to lifelong education and learning. This third mission, following the latest Academic reforms (n. 509/1999 and n. 540/2010), has materialized in the increasing number of adult students, involving new challenges for University.
Neverthless, the question we raise through the present Call for papers is the following: what are the positive or negative consequences determined by curricular and organizational reforms which in a few years have deeply transformed University? May the situation of uncertainty, or proper crisis, variously lived by Italian Athenaeums – and particularly academic community – be considered as constructive (growth crisis) or does it risk to swamp University, by impoverishing the functions and the role it has had over the centuries? How the latest changes occurred (Degree courses, evaluation of educational paths, teachers' recruitment system, test about didactics and research quality) have modified the nature of our universities?

Published: 2014-06-01