The profile of the “community facilitator” to train for employability. The case of the Subappennino Dauno starting from the historical-educational dimension

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Valerio Palmieri


We live in a country where it seems increasingly difficult to find a job, especially one commensurate with the qualification obtained. In particular, in some marginalised inland areas of the Peninsula, this phenomenon seems to be worsening. This is the case of the Subappennino Dauno - in the province of Foggia - which experiences various critical and marginal situations affecting the younger generations. In addition to the lack of work, there is also the process of de-anthropisation, dropping out of school and the absence of a network between the various stakeholders present - school, university, institutions, third sector, businesses. In the light of these considerations, this contribution intends to reflect, starting from a historical-educational dimension, on the processes linked to the situation experienced in the Monti Dauni. Furthermore, it intends to put forward the figure of the “facilitator and community team” as best practices to be proposed to the other marginalised inland areas of our beautiful country.

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