MeTis is an International Open Access and peer-reviewed journal of Pedagogy and Education. The purpose of MeTis is to allow suggestions, contaminations, hybridations among Pedagogy and all human sciences. In this way, we intend to enlarge the scapes of reflection and problematization, knowledge and paxis, choise and guidance.

MeTis is a Class ‘A’ Journal in the Sectors ‘11/PAED-01’ and ‘11/PAED-02’ (General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy; Didactics, Special Pedagogy and Educational Research) of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research.

Educational stories, between the great tradition of the Bildungroman and the new digital narratives. Number 2/2025


Editor: Giuseppe Annacontini, Manuela Ladogana

It was at the dawn of the 19th century that Goethe's Wilhelm Meister conventionally marked the birth of the Bildungsroman, the novel of formation, although Redfield repeatedly emphasized the difficulty of defining this literary category in a clear and rigorous manner.
This does not detract from the charm and significance of the many expressions of the Bildungsroman, which, in addition to the pleasure of reading itself, also offer the experience of challenge, growth, and transformative learning.
The pedagogical value of this form of writing is evident, as is its transformation in response to social, cultural, imaginal, and, above all, media changes.
The new call from MeTis invites reflections and contributions that can interpret the pedagogical value of narrating stories of formation both traditionally and innovatively. What is the educational value of a classic Bildungsroman? What perspectives are opened by new media habits that tell stories in just 15 seconds? What values can underpin the teaching of narrative writing for the formation of proactive and emancipated subjectivities? Which great novels of formation have never been recognized as such? And what are the “new” novels of formation?



Submission of abstracts (only to the e-mail address 2 May 2025

Submission of proposals (only via the Journal's OJS platform): 1 September 2025

Publication: December 2025

Difference is Scary: Education as a Counter to Violence and for the Promotion of a Culture of Otherness. Number 1/2025


Issue Editor: Isabella Loiodice, Anna Grazia Lopez

How can we resist violence and persist in counteracting it, and indeed, expand the power and spread of education in the multiplicity of places of life and experience? How can we "enter" the mechanisms of construction of stereotypes and prejudices to try to deconstruct them, opposing them with logics and practices of real knowledge and mutual understanding?

Starting from an in-depth study of the construct of "difference," the authors are asked to explore the real possibilities of rewriting the relationships between genders, cultures, ages, and psychophysical differences. They should propose forms, languages, and contexts through which educational action can promote respect and recognition of all forms of otherness.

Deadlines:   Abstract submission (email only): 05 November 2024 Submission of proposals (only via the Journal's OJS platform): 01 April 2025 Publication: June 2025

Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): The childhood of dictatorships

The latest data from the Democracy Index, edited by the Economist Intelligence Unit's, returns a patchy world map where only 6.4 percent of the world's population involved in the survey lives in contexts that can be considered “fully democratic”.

This obliges researchers to take a careful epistemic-methodological posture, marked by the analysis of the historical-material conditions of education, in order to derive the pedagogical patterns (explicit and implicit) that guide the formation of the imaginaries, ethical tables, and formae mentis of childhoods.

What does it mean “the childhood of dictatorships”? what childhoods are born and have been born in dictatorships? what “childhoods do dictatorships communicate”?

Published: 2025-01-04

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